As we all know, the stone is a commonly used building material at present, and marble has become a representative of high-end buildings. At the same time, due to the rich variety of stones and the scarcity of stones themselves, the price of different stones varies.

Recently, I heard from industry insiders that their most expensive white stone blocks have reached tens of millions, and some top-quality white stones are sold for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per square meter, which exceeds the price of many luxury stones. At this time, many people can’t help but sigh: what is the charm of this stone, and the price is so high?

calacatta gold marble slabs

calacatta gold marble slabs

In fact, knowing the current stone market, it is not difficult to know that white marble is already the most popular stone color. Since last year, the price of white stone has skyrocketed, and the price of individual varieties has even doubled. For example, fish maw white and snow white have always been the top grades among white marbles. Generally speaking, the price of ordinary snow white slabs is 1,000 yuan per square meter, and the price of super-grade snow white is about 4,000 yuan. Other common white stone varieties such as Jazz White and Asher White are also very popular, and their prices have soared. Even Dongfangbai, which is produced in Sichuan, has a price of more than 1,000 yuan per square meter for its high-quality mine products, which can be described as a dark horse in the white marble market.

calacatta gold marble slab

calacatta gold marble slab

So why is the price of white marble getting higher and higher?
Throughout the past few years, the minimalist style of architectural decoration has returned, which has brought a new round of consumption boom to the simple, elegant, and warm white marble, which has become the first choice of many young people. Snow white, fish maw white, jazz white, Yashi white, Carrara white, Yugoslav white, and other white marbles have appeared on the stage, becoming new favorites for decoration, increasing the popularity of various white marbles, so that their prices have soared across the board.

First of all, in terms of application, white marble can better highlight the style of the master, and express the distinguished, elegant, and top-level product features incisively and vividly, which is amazing. At the same time, pure white creates a sense of never falling and is unfashionable, which is unmatched by other stone colors. White marble can also control a variety of design styles, and achieve diversified matching with varieties of different colors and textures, creating a comfortable and elegant, And unique sense of space, favored by designers and consumers.

Secondly, in terms of product supply, white marble is the best-operated category of all mine resources, and its value is definitely not low. Its price will inevitably rise with its value.

white marble blocks

white marble blocks

Finally, in terms of varieties, white marble is irreplaceable in decoration style and can be perfectly integrated with other color materials, which is conducive to stone enterprises entering the home improvement market.