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Protecting stonecarved stones from weathering: causes and protection methods

By |2023-06-20T06:29:15+00:00|Blogs|

Stone carved stone will inevitably experience weathering during use, whether it is natural stone or artificial stone. So, how should we prevent the weathering of stone? First, let's understand the factors that cause stone weathering. Organic matter and gas interaction: Some stone carved stone surfaces often have sporangia attached to organic matter such as moss

From rough to decorative: an artistic transformation of stone processing

By |2023-06-12T08:08:24+00:00|Blogs|

Many people will see some beautiful marble on the hotel floor, and the walls are carved with sandstone with a strong atmosphere, which brings a noble atmosphere and classical atmosphere to the hotel. So, how are these decorative stones processed? The processing process of decorative stone is detailed below: Step 1: Sawing Sawing is the

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