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Why marble backdrop walls are labeled as expensive?

By |2023-11-27T07:20:39+00:00|Blogs|

Backdrop walls are labeled expensive for several reasons: Material cost: One of the commonly used materials for background walls is marble. Marble is a high-quality natural stone with a unique texture and luster, so the price is higher. The high cost of mining, processing, and transporting marble has also led to an increase in the

Protecting Stone Carvings from Weathering: Causes and Ways to Protect Them

By |2023-11-18T07:58:46+00:00|Blogs|

Stone carving stone will inevitably undergo weathering during use, whether it is natural stone or artificial stone. So, how should we prevent the weathering of stone? First, let's understand the factors that cause weathering of stone. Interaction between organic matter and gas: The surface of some stone carvings often has sporangia of organic matter such

Dry-hanging stone process method

By |2023-11-03T07:49:57+00:00|Blogs|

The Chinese handicraft monograph "Examination of Work" once recorded: "The sky is somewhere in time, the earth is airy, the material is beautiful, and the work is coincidental. From earthen walls to red and blue bricks From cement walls to stone rice walls What is a dry hanging method of stone From ancient

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